Monday, July 18, 2011

What does speaking in tongues mean? What about prophesying? Is it bad to speak in tongues?

speaking in tongues can mean one of two things. there's the kind of speaking in tongues where the Holy Spirit speaks through you in a language that you have never heard, and uses that to reach someone who speaks that language. speaking in tongues can also mean that the Holy Spirit speaks through you in an unknown language, a language that no one understands except for you, God, and possibly someone with th gift of interpretation. sometimes someone with he gift of interpretation will interpret the person who is speaking in tongues, and it will turn out to be an amazing message from God. prophesying means when God gives you the ability to tell some things that are going to happen in the future. it is not bad to speak in tongues if you truly have the spiritual gift of it and you are not faking it. also, if there is no interpreter in your entire church and all your church does is speak in unknown languages, then how can you reach someone who is new and just coming in to your church? maybe they have never heard the word of God, they should be able to understand what is going on so they can hear God's word.

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